Bella Vista RV Motorhome and Trailer Sales Department is open by Appointment for those looking to buy now.
Please call or email Bruno@bellavistarv.com and we will arrange your appointment to view 2 to 3 RV’s.
Our Covid 19 Protocols.
Mandatory Face Coverings
All customers will be asked to sanitize their hands.
You will be required to complete a contact tracing questionnaire that will request your Name, Phone # and email, and the standard Covid 19 questions.
Limited number of People allowed in the Dealership.
High touch areas are sanitized regularly.
Hand Sanitizer available at ever desk, counter and multiple locations throughout the dealership.
Plexiglass screens at all desks and reception for everyone’s protection
We ask that do not arrange an appointment or come to the dealership if the following apply:
- If you have travelled outside the province in the last 14 days.
- Are awaiting a Covid 19 test result.
- Have been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of Covid 19.
- You are showing and flu like symptoms.
- Have a decreased or loss of taste or smell.
- Generally not feeling well, have sore muscles or signs of tiredness.
- Have difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
Parts & Service
Available by appointment, Please call or email joanne@bellavistarv.com to make arrangements for a No Contact drop off or Curbside pick up.
Bella Vista RV Hours
Sales Department – Tuesday to Friday – 10 am to 4 pm
Service Department – Tuesday to Friday – 9am to 5 pm
Stay Safe & Healthy
We look forward to seeing you and Helping you make your RVing Dreams come True.
Thank You for Helping us Slow the Spread
The Bella Vista RV Team